Saturday, December 29, 2007

Top 5 SharePoint Resources to Bookmark

Top 5 SharePoint Resources to Bookmark from Arpan Shah's Blog

Besides, MSDN and TechNet, here are 5 SharePoint resources I recommend bookmarking/subscribing to:

SharePoint Team Blog

SharePointPedia built on SharePoint technology! [new]

Community Kit for SharePoint (CKS)
Accessibility Kit for SharePoint (AKS)

SharePoint Community Portal

SharePoint Forums

Thursday, December 20, 2007

determining whether your PC is running 32 bit OS or 64 bit OS

Now a days before installing microsoft product this is the common question just pop-up choose installation for 32-bit or 64-bit application... Well here a good article from Microsoft.

How to determine whether your computer is running a 32-bit version or a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Javascript Calling from Page behind in

Its a sample javascript which is called from page behind

In .Aspx File

<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function IsChecked(chkObj1,strText,strFormName)
if(strText == "")

strText = strText.replace( '<b>', '');
strText = strText.replace( '</b>', '');

var chkObj = document.getElementById(chkObj1);
var txtObj = document.getElementById('<%= TextBox1.ClientID %>');
if(chkObj.checked == true) //For Adding Item
var iFormFound = 0;
var iTextFound = 0;
iFormFound =;
if(iFormFound == -1)
//If Form Name is Not There Append it
if(txtObj.value.length == 0)
txtObj.value = txtObj.value + strFormName;
txtObj.value = txtObj.value + "\n\n" + strFormName;

//If Text Not There Append it After Form Name
iTextFound =;
if(iTextFound == -1)
if(txtObj.value.length == 0)
//txtObj.value = strText;
var iIndexOf = txtObj.value.indexOf(strFormName);
iIndexOf = iIndexOf + strFormName.length;
var strBefore = txtObj.value.substr(0,iIndexOf);
var strAfter = txtObj.value.substr(iIndexOf,txtObj.value.length);
txtObj.value = strBefore + strText + strAfter;
//alert(strBefore + " => " + strText + " => " + strAfter + " => " + txtObj.value);
//txtObj.value = txtObj.value + "\n" + strText;
var iIndexOf = txtObj.value.indexOf(strFormName);
iIndexOf = iIndexOf + strFormName.length;
var strBefore = txtObj.value.substr(0,iIndexOf);
var strAfter = txtObj.value.substr(iIndexOf,txtObj.value.length);
txtObj.value = strBefore + "\n" + strText + strAfter;
//alert(strBefore + " => " + strText + " => " + strAfter + " => " + txtObj.value);

else //For Removing Item
var iTextFound = 0;
iTextFound =;
if(iTextFound != -1)
txtObj.value = txtObj.value.replace( strText + "\r\n", '');
//For Last Element (Special Case)
if( != -1)
txtObj.value = txtObj.value.replace( strText, '');
txtObj.value = txtObj.value.substr(0,txtObj.value.length - 2);


In .Aspx.Cs File ( Code behind file)

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)

private void ApplyJavascript()
CheckBox1.Attributes.Add("onClick", "IsChecked('" + CheckBox1.ClientID.ToString() + "','Group1','Checkbox1')");
CheckBox2.Attributes.Add("onClick", "IsChecked('" + CheckBox2.ClientID.ToString() + "','Group1','Checkbox2')");
CheckBox3.Attributes.Add("onClick", "IsChecked('" + CheckBox3.ClientID.ToString() + "','Group1','Checkbox3')");

CheckBox4.Attributes.Add("onClick", "IsChecked('" + CheckBox4.ClientID.ToString() + "','Group2','Checkbox4')");
CheckBox5.Attributes.Add("onClick", "IsChecked('" + CheckBox5.ClientID.ToString() + "','Group2','Checkbox5')");
CheckBox6.Attributes.Add("onClick", "IsChecked('" + CheckBox6.ClientID.ToString() + "','Group2','Checkbox6')");
CheckBox7.Attributes.Add("onClick", "IsChecked('" + CheckBox7.ClientID.ToString() + "','Group2','Checkbox7')");

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Visual Studio 2008 and .Net 3.5 Videos

Getting started videos for

  • Visual Studio 2008 Videos
  • .Net 3.5 Videos
  • 3.5 Videos

This video series will also explain whats new feature in .Net 3.5

LINQ Videos and More...

LINQ Video Series

Part 1: Introduction to LINQ and SQL
Part 2: Defining our Data Model Classes
Part 3: Querying our Database
Part 4: Updating our Database
Part 5: Binding UI using the ASP:LinqDataSource Control
Part 6: Retrieving Data Using Stored Procedures
Part 7: Updating our Database using Stored Procedures
Part 8: Executing Custom SQL Expressions
Part 9: Using a Custom LINQ Expression with the control
LinqDataSource Technology Overview

Friday, December 14, 2007

Export datagrid to Excel in (Revised)

Previously I had Post for Export Datagrid Data to Excel

It was perfectly alright but following Article has added Advantage over the Previous Post.

  • You can able to Hide Few Fields and Display desired fields in Exported Excel Sheet, bydefault all the fields which are displayed in datagrid was displayed in Excel, but let say we want to hide "Edit" and "Delete" field while exporting datagrid data to excel. (Note: You can also use datagrid1.Columns[4].Visible = false;)
  • Format Datagrid Data. Full control over formatting of data as compare to previous method.
  • Replace Control before exporting to excel. eg: Removing Hyperlink, dropdownlist, checkbox and other controls before exporting data to excel.
  • Can Export All data @ once, bydefault you can only export page full of data.

Lets understand by example, consider following datagrid, which contain "Employee Name" and "Email" as Hyperlink, but while exporting data i want Hyperlink from email should be removed.

Utility Code:
It is self explanatory

protected void btnExportToExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable dtOriginal = new DataTable();
dtOriginal = ReturnTable(); //Return Table consisting data

//Create Tempory Table
DataTable dtTemp = new DataTable();

//Creating Header Row
dtTemp.Columns.Add("<b>Employee Name</b>");
dtTemp.Columns.Add("<b>Join Date</b>");
double dSalary;
DateTime dtDate;
DataRow drAddItem;
for (int i = 0; i < dtOriginal.Rows.Count; i++)
drAddItem = dtTemp.NewRow();
drAddItem[0] = dtOriginal.Rows[i][0].ToString();//Name
drAddItem[1] = dtOriginal.Rows[i][1].ToString();//Email

//Join Date
dtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtOriginal.Rows[i][2].ToString());
drAddItem[2] = dtDate.ToShortDateString();

dSalary = Convert.ToDouble(dtOriginal.Rows[i][3].ToString());
drAddItem[3] = dSalary.ToString("C");


//Temp Grid
DataGrid dg = new DataGrid();
dg.DataSource = dtTemp;
ExportToExcel("BudgeReport.xls", dg);
dg = null;

private void ExportToExcel(string strFileName, DataGrid dg)
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strFileName);
Response.ContentType = "application/excel";
System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Best C-Sharp.Net Blog

Best C#.Net Blog as Compiled by Timm Martin of

Read Original Post

Monday, December 10, 2007

Numeric String Format in .Net

Must Know Issue: Basics of String Format in .Net

Numeric Format

double dValue = 55000.54987D;

//displaying number in different formats

Response.Write("Currency Format: " + dValue.ToString("C") + "

Response.Write("Scientific Format: " + dValue.ToString("E") + "

Response.Write("Percentage Format: " + dValue.ToString("P") + "

/* OUTPUT */

Currency Format: $55,000.55
Scientific Format: 5.500055E+004
Percentage Format: 5,500,054.99 %

Getting Culture Specific String

double dValue = 55000.54987D;

//You can Remove this line

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");

//This line will automatically detect client culture

//and display data accordingly

//Here culture has forcefully changed to german to

//view difference in output

CultureInfo ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

//displaying number in different formats

Response.Write("Currency Format: " + dValue.ToString("C",ci) + "

Response.Write("Scientific Format: " + dValue.ToString("E",ci) + "

Response.Write("Percentage Format: " + dValue.ToString("P",ci) + "

/* OUTPUT */

Currency Format: 55.000,55 €
Scientific Format: 5,500055E+004
Percentage Format: 5.500.054,99%

Friday, November 23, 2007

Error: Input string was not in a correct format.

How to avoid Error "Input string was not in a correct format"

To avoid error always make check whether you are passing a valid value to function.


Code Contain Error
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string str1 = "3.5";
string str2 = "";

//Here we know that str2 is blank, but when values are assigned dynamic it is
//Best practise to make check before passing value to function.

private void TestFn(float value1, float value2)
//Do Something...

Code with Check to Avoid Error
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string str1 = "3.5";
string str2 = "";

float fStr1;
if (str1 != string.Empty)
fStr1 = float.Parse(str1);
fStr1 = 0;

float fStr2;
if (str2 != string.Empty)
fStr2 = float.Parse(str2);
fStr2 = 0;

//Values are parse and check for validity before passing to function

private void TestFn(float value1, float value2)
//Do Something...

Note: Code is just for example and has practically of no meaning.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Design Patterns in ASP.NET 2.0

Good Link for Design Patterns in ASP.NET 2.0

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Site Navigation control in

There are three Site Navigation control in 2.0

  • SiteMapPath Control
  • Menu Control
  • Treeview Control
Before using Site Navigation control let go through overview of web.sitemap, which is used as datasource to assign this control.

What is Web.SiteMap and How to Create Web.SiteMap file?
Web.SiteMap file is an XML File, which contains details of navigation that is followed by navigation control.

For Creating Web.SiteMap file
- Right click the project in solution explorer and add new item.
- Select Site Map from the add new item dialog.
- It will create "web.sitemap" file in your root directory

A Sample format of Site Map
<siteMapNode url="" title="" description="">
<siteMapNode url="" title="" description="" />
<siteMapNode url="" title="" description="" />

Here, siteMapNode contains following properties.
Url - describes URL to be redirect on node click.
Title - describes Text to be displayed on node.
Description - describes Text to be displayed as Tooltip.

For creating sub node, create a siteMapNode inside parent siteMapNode.
A sample web.sitemap file displaying contries and its associated cities of sales region.
<siteMapNode url="default.aspx" title="Countries" description="Sales Contries">

<siteMapNode url="india.aspx" title="India" description="Sales for India">
<siteMapNode url="ahmedabad.aspx" title="Ahmedabad" description="Sales for Ahmedabad" />
<siteMapNode url="mumbai.aspx" title="Mumbai" description="Sales for Mumbai" />
<siteMapNode url="delhi.aspx" title="Delhi" description="Sales for Delhi" />
<siteMapNode url="chennai.aspx" title="Chennai" description="Sales for Chennai" />
<siteMapNode url="bangalore.aspx" title="Bangalore" description="Sales for Bangalore" />

<siteMapNode url="usa.aspx" title="USA" description="Sales for USA" >
<siteMapNode url="edison.aspx" title="Edison - NJ" description="Sales for Edison - NJ" />
<siteMapNode url="stcharles.aspx" title="St. Charles - IL" description="Sales for St. Charles - IL" />
<siteMapNode url="la.aspx" title="Los Angeles - CA" description="Sales for Los Angeles - CA" />

Understanding SiteMapPath Control
SiteMapPath control automatically uses web.sitemap file located in the root of your application.

Drag and drop, SiteMapPath control and it will automatically display naviagation path paved by web.sitemap file.

Example Figure1:

Example Figure2:

Understanding TreeView Control
TreeView control display data in hierarchical order.

Drag an drop the TreeView control on to webform, note TreeView control doesn't use web.sitemap as default datasource, you need to assign it explicitly.

Select "New data source" and select sitemap and press ok.

That's it you are done.

Displaying checkbox with treeview control, you can assign "ShowCheckBox" property of TreeView control to either
  • All - Checkbox to all node.
  • Root - Checkbox to root node.
  • Parent - Checkbox to parent node.
  • Leaf - Checkbox to leaf node.
  • None - No Checkbox

Displaying Selected node code in Treeview control
protected void btnSelected_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (TreeNode node in TreeView1.CheckedNodes)
sb.Append(node.Text + "<br>");
Response.Write("You have selected following node: <br>" + sb.ToString());

Understanding Menu Control
Like TreeView Control you need to explicitly assign data source to menu control.

Select "New data source" and select sitemap and press ok.

That's it you are done.

Bydefault menu control display root node, which generally contains single node, so you may choose option "StaticDisplayLevels" Property to 2 to display node from 2nd level...

Example, here i am displaying node from 2nd level so my StaticDisplayLevels will be 2.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Expand your .Net Network

Expand your .Net Network

Its sometime difficult to solve the unknown problem, which might be few hits for someone who is expert in a given area. It is better to join together. .Net forums are good way to solve the problem, but still it takes time to resolve the error, also it is doesn't screen under ever expert eyes who might can solve your problem. So lets join each of us on Messenger with our expertise area, so that one can ping each other easily based on their problem to expert.

DotNetGuts Group is maintaining database, where in you can find user and their messenger info. based on their technology area working in, so that one can share and acquire knowledge

Find out Info Complete list

Yahoo-Id: vivek_on_chat
MSN-Id: vivek.patel

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reading XML Document in .Net

There are 3 preferable ways to read XML document.

  • XMLDocument Class - It allows to insert, update, delete or move a node.
  • XMLTextReader Class - It allows read data in fast forward-only manner.
  • XMLValidatingReader Class - It allows to validate XML document against Document Type Definition (DTD), XML Schema definition(XSD) and XML Data Reduced(XDR).

XMLTextReader and XMLValidatingReader Class is derived from XMLReader class which provides
  • fast,
  • non-cacheable,
  • read-only, and
  • forward-only access to XML data.

Choosing between XMLDocument, XMLTextReader and XMLValidatingReader Class.
  • Use XMLDocument when
    • You want to perform operation like Insert, Update and delete.
    • Memory is not a constraint
  • Use XMLTextReader when
    • You want to read data in forward-only manner.
    • When memory is constraint.
  • Use XMLValidatingReader when
    • You want to validate XML document against DTD, XSD and XDR.

What is XML DOM (Document Object Model)

Why is XML DOM?
XML is a standard by which two incompatible system can communicate. XML DOM works with XML data in your application. It is used to read, write and modify XML document programatically.

Understanding Nodes in XML Document

Node type



This node type is the container for all the nodes and is also known as the document root.


This node type represents element nodes.


This node type represents the attributes of an element node.


This node type represents the text that belongs to a particular node or to an attribute.

Example of XML Document, employee.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Address>2010 Stanley Dr., Charlotte, NJ 08830</Address>
<Designation>HR Manager</Designation>
<Address>7862 Freepoint Pkwy, Tampa, NJ 08820</Address>
<Designation>Software Professional</Designation>

Understanding XML Document
  • Every XML Document contains a single root element that contains all other nodes of the XML Document. Here <employees> is a root element.
  • XML Element is a Record which contains information. Here <employee>
  • XML Element Attribute further describe the Record details. Here <FirstName> etc are XML Element Attributes.

What is XML Document Object?
XMLDocument provides an in-memory representation of and XML document.

Example of XML Document
Create a Website
Create a XML Document and name it employee.xml

Loading of XML Document
You can load xml document using XMLDocument object's load method

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
XmlDocument EmpXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
string XMLDocPath = Server.MapPath("Employee.xml");

Saving XML Document
You can save XML Document with XMLDocument.Save method
Example: XMLDocument.Save("Employee.xml");

Read XML Document and display on WebPage
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
XmlDocument EmpXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
string XMLDocPath = Server.MapPath("Employee.xml");

//Read XML Document //Note: Begin for ChildNode[1]
foreach (XmlNode node1 in EmpXMLDoc.ChildNodes[1])
foreach (XmlNode node2 in node1.ChildNodes)
Response.Write("<b>" + node2.Name + "</b>: " + node2.InnerText + " ");


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Best Practices Analyzer for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and the 2007 Microsoft Office System

The Microsoft Best Practices Analyzer for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and the 2007 Microsoft Office System Best Practices Analyzer programmatically collects settings and values from data repositories such as MS SQL, registry, metabase and performance monitor. Once collected, a set of comprehensive ‘best practice’ rules are applied to the topology. Administrators running this tool will get a detailed report listing the recommendations that can be made to the environment to achieve greater performance, scalability and uptime.

Download Link

Monday, October 29, 2007

Windows Vista System Icon disappear Fix

Windows vista has problem of Icon disappear from System Tray.

So, to make Important System Icon in sytem tray back in windows vista, you need to delete two entries from registry.

That is

  • Navigate to the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \TrayNotify"
  • Delete the values "IconStreams" and "PastIconsStream"
  • To make the change refresh, Open Task Manager (ctrl+shift+esc) and End Task the "explorer.exe" and Add again "explorer.exe" from File menu - New Task.
For understanding each step in depth follow this link.

Adding and viewing Sharepoint User for Sharepoint Home Site

Before Adding user make sure that User is already available in Windows Server 2003 - "Active directory users and computers"

Ok, lets take a quick overview on adding User Group to Active Directory in Windows Server 2003.

Step1: Start Menu - Control Pannel - Administrative Tools and in it Active directory users and computers.

Step2: Drill the Active Directory User and Computers and in it select the server, example on my PC i have named server as "MyServer" so need to drill "MyServer"
- And Expand Users directory

Step3: Right Click user directory and select New from popup menu and click user, to create new user.

And you are done creating user. Note: You have created user in windows server 2003, to make this user access sharepoint site it is necessary to assign proper permission.

So now logged in to sharepoint site as administrator and add user to visitor group as created in previous post.

Advise: Please refer previous post to create user group

Now, lets add user in to "Visitor Group" as created in previous post.

ok, now before adding already available user, lets enter some anonymous user and look what happen.

- As obvious, it will display me error, No exact match was found.

So if you want "sachin tendulkar" user to be added, follow the step as describe above.

Now, lets add user already created. i.e. "Harsh Patel".
- Two option to add, either write his email, name and click on check user button, so if user is available it would be underline, otherwise you can click browse button to search user and then add it.

ok, lets click browse button and find user with name harsh and add it.

After selecting valid user, its now turn to assign permission.
- Choose from Sharepoint User Group of permission already available or
- Give user permission directly.
Now as we want to add him to "Visitor" Group already created we will choose from drop-down of Sharepoint User Group.

Also check "Send Email" Check box if you want to send welcome email to user.

And click ok to create user.

Now, lets check whether user is created by opening Visitor Group.

Thats it, we are done with creating user.

- Created user in Windows 2003 Server.
- Created user in Sharepoint and assign permission and adding it appropriate sharepoint user group.

Runtime Error while opening Sharepoint Site

Before starting discussion, I would like to Thanks Uday Microsoft MVP for Sharepoint for sharing his knowledge in solving the error.

Runtime Error while opening Sharepoint Site

Or do you recieve following error.

Runtime Error

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on the local server machine, please create a tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "RemoteOnly". To enable the details to be viewable on remote machines, please set "mode" to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/>

Cause of Error
There can be more ways this error can trouble, but let me share how this error occur while working with sharepoint.

My PC, is one of the workgroup PC to connect to local network. Now to take advantage of sharepoint and to make it sharepoint server, I have turned my PC to Domain Controller and Installed Active Directory using DCPromo Command on command prompt.

What is Domain Controller?
Domain Controller is first PC in network which controls sub domain.
Example: can be said Domain Controller, while sub domain such as and are domain under the domain controller, for more details and indepth knowledge please refer "Active Directory Concept" and "Domain Creation Concept" in windows 2003 server.

How to turn your PC to Domain Controller?
You can make your PC to Domain Controller on Windows 2003 Server by running command "DCPromo" on command prompt. A wizard will open which guide you step by step in creating your PC to Domain Controller.

Ok, so now back to our problem.

It was obvious that after creating your PC to Domain Controller this error is likely to occur as default setting are changed and that also need to configure.

Solution for Error
  • Note: I haven't considered steps for backup data.
  • Remove SQL Server with UnInstalling all Instances.
  • Remove MOSS.
  • Remove Virtual Directory from InetMgr (IIS) related to Sharepoint.
    • Sharepoint Central Administration
    • Office Server Web Services...
  • Remove directory from c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\Virtual Directories and delete all directories under it.
    • Remove directory "80" and so on...
  • Note: I have also deleted directory not deleted while MS SQL Server and also remove it from Registry. i.e. from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\
  • Restart PC.
  • Install MS SQL Server
  • Restart PC
  • Install MOSS 2007
  • Restart PC
  • Run Configuration Wizard of MOSS
  • And Try opening sharepoint website, now it should work for you.
Please pass your comment and suggestion to improve this steps as each time it not possible to delete all data, and it is also necessary to take backup before applying above step, so share your experience, Thanks.

Manthan Award for Gujarat Government

Microsoft’s Students2Business initiative with Government of Gujarat was awarded the Manthan award ( which is an Indian initiative by Digital Empowerment Foundation, to select and promote the best practices in e-Content and Creativity in India. It involves representatives from each state and union territory of India and visualizes the bridging of the digital divide and narrowing the content gap as its overall goal. The Students2Business program focuses on making the students more employable by providing them training on Microsoft technology by means of existing distance education infrastructure in the state followed by an evaluation, certification and an opportunity to work on projects/internships.

Samvaad - Learn Share and Grow from Microsoft

Microsoft Student Partners connect at regional boot camps
Every year Microsoft recruits Student Partners (MSPs) from colleges across India. These are young technology enthusiasts who work as Microsoft’s representatives on their campuses - conducting trainings, sharing knowledge and motivating fellow students – and in turn they get access to latest technology tools, gain industry exposure and the chance to be interviewed at Microsoft.

MSPs kick off their activities at regional boot camps organized by Microsoft, 3 of which were held in Ahmedabad, Pune and Gurgaon over the past few weeks. Apart from technical training on .NET and sessions on the new technologies, MSPs also got a chance to get to know each other, which will go a long way towards building a strong student-community. If you want to know more about the MSP program, write to or visit

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Getting Started with Sharepoint Services

Lets Gets Started with Sharepoint Service 3.0 and MOSS 2007 with easy step by step lessons.

Understanding Sharepoint - Source of Information

What is Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services? How is it related to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007?
Windows SharePoint Services is the solution that enables you to create Web sites for information sharing and document collaboration. Windows SharePoint Services — a key piece of the information worker infrastructure delivered in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 — provides additional functionality to the Microsoft Office system and other desktop applications, and it serves as a platform for application development.
Office SharePoint Server 2007 builds on top of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to provide additional capabilities including collaboration, portal, search, enterprise content management, business process and forms, and business intelligence.

What is Sharepoint Service from User prospective?
From a Users perspective SharePoint is a way of making documents and folders on the Windows platform accessable over the web. The user visits the SharePoint Portal web page, and from there they can add documents, change documents & delete documents. Through this Portal, these documents are now available for discussion, collaboration, versioning and being managed through a workflow. Hence the name "Share-Point". Details about the document can be saved too, such as: who wrote it, when, for whom, its size, version, category or target audience. These can then be used to find the document through SharePoint's Search facility. Even documents not "in" SharePoint can be included in the search engine's index so they become part of the portal. All in all, it's a great way to get stuff up on the web for users with average technical skills, and for administrators to manage the content.

What is Sharepoint Service from Administration prospective?

Administering SharePoint mainly consists of setting it up, which is much easier than you expect, adding the content, which can be just dragging and dropping in whole directory structures and files, and then organinsing the files better by giving them categories or other metadata. This is done either throuhg the Web interface or through the SharePoint Client: a program what means you can access SharePoint as a Web folder and then right-click files to select options like "edit profile". Or add files by dragging them in individually or in bulk.

Setting the security is also important, using NT accounts, either NT4 or Active Directory (or both in mixed mode) you can give users access to files/folders the same way as you do in standard Windows. Users can be grouped and the groups given access priveliges to help manage this better. Also SharePoint has 3 Roles that a User or Group can be given on a perticular item. Readers can see the item (ie document/file or folder) but not change it, Authors can see and edit items and coordinators can set security priveliges for the part of the system they have control over. Thus, you could set 12 different coordinators for 12 different folder trees, and they could manage who can do what within that area only! Good eh?

What is Sharepoint Service from Technical prospective?

Technically SharePoint illustrates neatly what Microsoft's .net strategy is all about: integrating Windows with the Web. Microsoft has previously made accessing stuff on a PC easier, (Windows) then on a network (NT) and now on the web (.NET). SharePoint is an application written to let a user access a web accessable directory tree called the Web Storage System. SharePoint was written with a set of technologies that allow the programmer to pass data, functions, parameters over HTTP, the web's medium. These are XML, XSL and SOAP, to name a few I understand the basics of!

To the user it looks easy, like Hotmail, but everytime they click a button or a link, a lot has to happen behind the scenes to do what they want to do quicky and powerfully. Not as easy as you might think, but SharePoint does it for you. Accessing this Web storage system and the server itself is also done using technologies like ADO, CDO, PKMCDO, LDAP, DDSC, ADSC. More on these later. SharePoint is a great example of how the Internet Platform can be extended and integrated into an existing well adopted technology, Windows.

How Sharepoint is useful?

  • User Authentication
  • Personalization
  • Application Integration and Aggregation
  • Search
  • Collaboration
  • Web Content Management
  • Workflow Management
  • Analytics & Reporting

Advantages of Sharepoint
• A lot of functionality for a low price
• Familiar Microsoft look and feel (Office 2003)
• Little end user training required
• Extensible using .Net technologies
• Simple cross site branding is simple and fast
• Simple document management out of the box
• Fantastic search engine
• Ease of installation and Rapid deployment
• Deploy & manage multiple sites and portals
• Reuse of common functionality
• Support wide range of technologies and systems
• Leverage of existing investments
• Incorporate information from existing ERP applications
• Messaging systems

Disadvantages of Sharepoint
• Previous version Web Parts will not work with the new version
• Set up via a browser interface makes large site production slow
• Navigation paradigm built in so custom navigation is difficult
• Approximately 1000 built in templates means full brand customisation is time consuming and expensive.

How do I install Sharepoint on my computer?
For Installing sharepoint you need to install following software, but before installation check the hardware requirement for sharepoint installation

  • Windows Server 2003 with SP1 Operating System
  • Create "Active Directory" with DcPromo command on Command Prompt.
  • .Net Framework 3.0
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Friday, October 26, 2007

What is InfoPath - Microsoft Office Infopath

What is InfoPath - Microsoft Office Infopath 2007 or 2003?
Infopath can use to design a browser-compatible form template and publish it to a server that is running infopath form services. Users can then fill out forms that are based on your form template in a web browser or on a mobile device. In addition, Infopath Forms services provides a central location to store and manage form templates for your organization.

Where can I use Infopath?
What is the use of Infopath? or
Why I use Infopath?

  • With InfoPath, you can simply develop Web Services "hooks" that allow data to be submitted to and retrieved from a variety of applications. Developers can use InfoPath to quickly create new, feature-rich user interfaces to those legacy applications. This process is both much faster and less expensive than the task of re-engineering the legacy application, and can result in a huge cost saving.
  • You can transfer and re-use data with Infopath, as its base is XML and so its now easy to exchange data between two incompatible system.

Example of Infopath usage with application

Core Advantage of using Infopath
  • Ability to communicate between two Incompatible data format
  • Browser-Compatible Form
  • Broader usage scope, it gets easily integrable with other office product. example, you can easily export data to excel worksheet.
  • Offline support, InfoPath forms don't have to be filled out while a user is connected to a network. Users can save forms to their computer, work on them offline, and then submit them to the corporate network when they are reconnected.
  • Low cost and Fast Development
  • For more on Infopath Advantage and How Infopath works with other Microsoft Office Product.

Tutorial and Training on Infopath

Sunday, October 21, 2007

MAIL Server - How to Setup your own MAIL Server

Good Article link for Setting up your own Free MAIL Server

Highlight of Setting up free mail server article

  • Download Free Mail Server (Mercury Mail Server: Freeware)
  • Installation of Free Mail Server
  • Configuration of Free Mail Server

Read Article

For those who are using Free Mail Service provided by can simply configure there outlook email as shown in following article.

Read Article on Configuring Outlook for SecureServer.Net

Friday, October 12, 2007 has launched

A wordwide SQL Server community has been launched. This is a joint effort of Microsoft Employees, few MVPs and SQL Server experts.

Lot of material for SQL Users

Highlights of

  • SQL Server Articles
  • Discussion Topics for Allmost all topic on SQL including all versions of SQL
  • Useful Links for SQL Server
  • Readmade Scripts for SQL Server
  • Useful tools for SQL
  • Tips and Tricks
  • SQL Clinic
  • SQL Community to get instant help on SQL Topics from industry gurus.
Logon to

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Function Execution in SQL Server 2005

In this article you will learn, everything about using Function Execution in SQL Server 2005

  • String Functions
  • Date and Time Functions
  • Mathematical Functions

String Functions
String Functions are used for manipulating string expression. Note: string expression should be passed within single quote.
  • Len('') - Returns length of string.
    • Example: select Len("Shri Ganesh") will return 11
  • Lower('') - Convert all characters to lowercase characters.
    • Example: select Lower('Shri Ganesh') will return shri ganesh
  • Upper('') - Convert all characters to uppercase characters.
    • Example: select Upper('Shri Ganesh') will return SHRI GANESH
  • LTrim('') - Removes spaces from given character strings on left.
    • Example: select LTrim(' Shri Ganesh') will return Shri Ganesh
    • Note: It doesn't removes tab or line feed character.
  • RTrim('') - Removes space from given character strings on right.
    • Example: select LTrim('Shri Ganesh ') will return Shri Ganesh
    • Note: It doesn't removes tab or line feed character.
  • Trim('') - Removes spaces from given character strings from both left and right.
    • Example: select LTrim(' Shri Ganesh ') will return Shri Ganesh
    • Note: It doesn't removes tab or line feed character.
  • SubString('') - Returns a part of string from original string.
    • SubString(character_expression, position, length)
      • position - specifies where the substring begins.
      • length - specifies the length of the substring as number of characters.
    • Example: select SubString('Shri Ganesh',6,7) where in
    • 6 - Starting position of sub string from given string.
    • 6 - It is no. of characters to be extract from given string, starting from 6.
    • That is it will return "Ganesh" As ganesh start from 6th character upto 6 characters.
  • Replace('') - Replace the desired string within the original string.
    • Replace(character_expression, searchstring, replacementstring)
      • SearchString - string which you want to replace.
      • ReplaceString - new string which you want to replace with
    • Example: select replace('Think High To Achieve High','High','Low')
    • here, function search for every occurrence of High and replace it with Low.
    • Original - Think High To Achieve High
    • Result - Think Low To Achieve Low
  • Right('') - extract particular characters from right part of given string expression.
    • Example: select right('Think High To Achieve High',15) will return "To Achieve High"
    • This function will be helpful when you want particular characters from right part.
    • Example: Let say i have social security nos. and i want to extract last 4 digit of it.
      • select right('111-11-1111',4) will return 1111
        select right('222-22-2222',4) will return 2222
        select right('333-33-3333',4) will return 3333
        select right('444-44-4444',4) will return 4444

Date and Time Functions
Date and Time Functions are used for manipulating Date and Time expression.
  • GetDate() - Returns current date and time of a system.
    • Example: select GetDate() will return something like "2007-10-10 15:34:37.287"
  • GetUTCDate() - Returns current date and time information as per UTC (Universal Time Coordinate or Greenwich Mean Time)
    • Example: select GetDate() will return something like "2007-10-10 15:34:37.287"
DatePart and Abbrevation, which we will be using with DatePart, DateADD, DateDIFF function.

Datepart Abbreviations


yy, yyyy


qq, q


mm, m


dy, y


dd, d


wk, ww


dw, w




mi, n


ss, s



  • DatePart() - Returns an integer representing a datepart of a date.
    • Note: Example are based on considering "2007-10-10 15:34:37.287" as GetDate()
    • Example:
      • select DatePart("day",GetDate()) will return 10.
      • select DatePart("hour",GetDate()) will return 16.
      • select DatePart("dayofyear",GetDate()) will return 283. And so on...
  • DateADD() - Returns adds a date or time interval to a specified date.
    • Syntax: DateADD(Abbrevation, number to be added, date)
    • Example:
      • select DateAdd("day",7,GetDate()) will return 2007-10-17 16:09:18.280
      • select DateAdd("month",20,GetDate()) will return 2009-06-10 16:10:02.643
      • And so on...
  • DateDIFF() - Returns difference between two specified dates.
    • Syntax: DateDIFF(Abbrevation, startdate, enddate)
    • Note: If the end date is earlier than the start date, the function returns a negative number. If the start and end dates are equal or fall within the same interval, the function returns zero.
    • Example:
      • select DATEDIFF("mm", Getdate()-500,GETDATE()) will return 17
      • You must pass valid start and end date otherwise you will receive error.

Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions are used for manipulating Mathematical expression.
  • ABS() - Returns positive value of numeric expression.
    • Example: In following example both statement will return 3.14
      • select ABS(3.14)
        select ABS(-3.14)
  • Ceiling() - Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to a numeric expression.
    • Example:
      • select Ceiling(3.14) will return 4
        select Ceiling(-3.14) will return 3.
  • Floor() -Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to a numeric expression.
    • Example:
      • select Floor(3.14) will return 3
        select Floor(-3.14) will return 4
  • Round() - Returns a numeric expression that is rounded to the specified length or precision.
    • Example:
      • select Round(3.14, 1) will return 3.10
        select Round(-3.17, 1) will return -3.20
      • select Round(3.12345, 4) will return 3.12350
      • select Round(3.12345, 3) will return 3.12300
  • Power() - POWER(numeric_expression, power)
    • Example: select power(2,3) will return 8

How to open .docx file without installing MS Office 2007

An interesting post made by Abhishek Kant, regarding How to open MS Office 2007 file without installing Office 2007 on your computer.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Visual Studio 2008: Information on Microsoft Expression, ASP.NET AJAX

Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2
Additional resources to help you get the most out of your evaluation experience:

This topic in the MSDN Library contains descriptions and quick overviews of some of the new features and enhancements in Visual Studio 2008.

Ready to learn about all the ways that Visual Studio 2008 will make you more productive? Check out the videos on this regularly-updated page. Videos include some quick clips as well as in-depth training videos on the following subjects: client development, Web development, data access, Office development, mobile development, and team development.

Learn about the changes in ASP.NET and Visual Web Developer, including new server controls and types, a new object-oriented client type library, and full IntelliSense support in Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express Edition for working with ECMAScript (JavaScript or JScript).
Visual Studio Team System Resources

Develop and Test Web Applications with Visual Studio Team System 2008
Testing Web applications is hard. Visual Studio Team System 2008 provides tools to automate testing, generate testing code, and make it easy to test Web applications and AJAX sites. In this topic, you will learn how to create a simple Web application, record and run a Web test, and bind data sources to your tests.

Integrating your code with the rest of the system can be a painful experience; breaking the sacred nightly build has never been fun. Continuous integration is a response to these problems. Learn how to use Visual Studio Team System build features to integrate your code at each check-in and get feedback on your work as you complete it.

Version control, build, and team workflow are key components of the daily lives of a developer. Understanding these concepts and how to make the best use of your tools is fundamental. Follow these short, step-by-step walkthroughs, and learn how Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server can help you in key scenarios, including version control, build setup, and team workflow features.

Source of Information: MSDN Flash Microsoft Newsletter.

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