Friday, June 05, 2015

Example of Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection

What is an IOC?  or What is Inversion of Control?

IOC is mechanism by which we can add abstraction between dependencies to make them loosely coupled code.  Abstraction is added through interface.

Now lets understand this by example.

Before Implementing IOC:

I have a class called "Black_And_White_Printer"  which has one print() method.  Print() method will print in black and white.  I also have consumer class which is dependent on Black_And_White_Printer class.

    public class consumer
        public void DoWork()
            Black_and_White_Printer obj = new Black_and_White_Printer();

Notice:  Consumer class is tightly coupled with Black_And_White_Printer class.  

Now let say after few months of this implementation management comes up with ColourFull_Printer and now they want Colour print rather than black and white.

public class consumer
        public void DoWork()
            ColourFull_Printer obj = new ColourFull_Printer();
Notice:  Because our Consumer class is tightly coupled with Black_And_White_Printer class, we now have to change consumer class on changing the method of print.  In other words our consumer class is dependent on mechanism of print and that is reason we have to change every single time.

Understanding Problem without IOC:
  • Tightly coupled code.  i.e. Consumer is tightly dependent on Printing mechanism.
  • Requires more maintenance.  i.e. Whenever printing mechanism change we have to change our consumer class.
  • Not good for writing unit test cases.

Now, lets perform IOC on above code.  Again:  IOC is mechanism by which we can add abstraction between dependencies to make them loosely coupled code.  Abstraction is added through interface.

so In order to remove dependency betweeen consumer class and printing mechanism add an layer of abstraction using interface.

public interface IPrinter
        void print();

public class Black_And_White_Printer : IPrinter
        public void print()
            Console.WriteLine("Black and White Print");

public class ColourFull_Printer : IPrinter
        public void print()
            Console.WriteLine("Colourfull Print");

public class consumer
        IPrinter printer;

        public consumer(IPrinter printer)
           this.printer = printer;

        public void DoWork()

In above code:  We first added interface name IPrinter which contains print() method.  Now each printing mechanism is required to implement IPrinter interface.  That is our case both Black_And_White_Printer class and ColurFull_Printer class has to implement IPrinter.  

Now notice inside consumer class we introduce Constructor Dependency Injection method to perform IOC.  

Advantage after implementing IOC:
  • Loosely coupled code.  i.e. Consumer is no more depended on Printing mechanism.
  • Requires less maintenance.  i.e. Whenever printing mechanism change we are not required to change our consumer class.
  • Good for writing unit test cases.

Dependency Injection Example 

Dependency Injection is mechanism by which we can inject dependency into component.  Considering our above example concept now I will show how can we perform Dependency Injection using Unity Framework.

As per above code create a console application and add files along with code as mentioned above.
  • Interface: IPrinter
  • Class: Black_And_White_Printer
  • Class: ColourFull_Printer
  • Class: Consumer

Also add nuget package: Unity container

After its installation it will add folder App_Start and 2 files.

Now open UnityConfig.cs.  We should be maintain all dependencies in this files.

For this example:  Inside method RegisterTypes()
Replace following line:
// container.RegisterType<iproductrepository, productrepository>();
container.RegisterType<iprinter, black_and_white_printer>();

Now open Program.cs

using DependencyInjectionExample.App_Start;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;

 class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Start the Unity Container
            var ioc = UnityConfig.GetConfiguredContainer();

            //Create instance of consumer class
            var client = ioc.Resolve<consumer>();



Note:  Above code is displaying "Black and White Print" because inside UnityConfig.cs our IPrinter interface is pointing to Black_And_White_Printer class.
container.RegisterType<iprinter, black_and_white_printer>();

Now let say we want to display colurfull print then all we have to do is change the UnityConfig.cs file to following:
Replace following line:
container.RegisterType<iprinter, black_and_white_printer>();
container.RegisterType<iprinter, colourfull_printer>();

After making change run the application again and the output will be:

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Sql Server Restrict Memory usage

With growing of sql server database size and increase in page views of website, you might run in to memory crunch situation.

Please note:  You might run into memory crunch situation for number of reasons like memory leak in code, etc, but in this article we will be focusing on only one scenario that is restricting sql server memory usage.

Cause of Memory crunch situation:

By default if you have not restricted sql server memory usage, it can use upto 2147483647.


Restrict the memory consumption of SQL Server by changing this limit to something which is reasonably your server can handle.

If you like commands to change the limit:

— Turn on advanced options
EXEC  sp_configure‘Show Advanced Options’,1;

— Set max server memory = 3500MB for the server
EXEC  sp_configure‘max server memory (MB)’,3500;


Special Thanks to my friend Pankaj Mishra for sharing this information.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Securing request pipeline of an ASP.NET MVC 5 Application

Good link describing how mvc request/response pipeline works.

If you are planning to make a custom security layer then this links may interest you.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Create xml file from sql server table

Following code will create xml file from sql server table.

SQL Server Table

XML Output
          <title>Program to illustrate operator overloading from string</title>
          <contentvalue>blah blah blah</contentvalue>
          <creationdate>2013-02-18 13:57:00</creationdate>

Script to convert sql server table to xml file

declare @XmlOutput xml

set @XmlOutput =
(select BlogId, Title, ContentValue, CreationDate from Blogs

select @XmlOutput

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