Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Service Unavailable Error Sharepoint 2007 After domain controller installation

I have recently create a Sharepoint 2007 Virtual PC Image and everything was working good, till the point i realise that i don't have Sharepoint users to practise. 

In order to create more users in Sharepoint, you need to add users in Sharepoint Active directory.

Since my virtual machine was not having "domain controller" i was unable add more users in Active directory.

Few steps that will be helpful in case you got stuck in similar situation.

Step 1: Update Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2

Step 2: Open Run window and type "dcpromo" in run window.  This command will able to start domain controller installation.

Step 3: Follow the wizard and complete domain controller installation.

Now try to open your sharepoint site or sharepoint central administration website.  You will see error "Service Unavailable"

Cause of this error:  Since you have installed domain controller your virtual pc name has changed and as all sharepoint sites are administrator configurable, it will start giving "Service Unavailable" error.  Because your PC name has changed and administrator user settings association is also changed.

Solution - Service Unavailable error
Step 1: Type "inetmgr" on Run window to open IIS (Internet Information Services Manager)

Step 2: Expand ServerName (or your PC Name) and than expand "Application Pools"

Step 3: Now select any of your sharepoint site application pool or shared service application pool, Right click and choose properties

In Shared Service Properties window open Identity tab

On "Identity" tab click on browse button to open "Select User" window

In "Select User" window, type "Administrator" and hit Check Names, If Administrator user is accessible it will underline the Administrator word, than hit OK to close "Select User" window.

You will now notice that your Administrator user name has been updated based on "Domain Controller" name you have choosen.

Step 4:  Retype your password and click OK to close properties window.

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and step 4 for all your sharepoint sites application pool, including shared service application pool.

Step 6: (If Applicable) Incase any of your sharepoint site application pool is showing stop, than right click application pool and choose "Start" to start application pool for your sharepoint site.

Step 7: Reset IIS.  Type "iisreset" command on Run window to reset IIS, ones all above steps are done.

Now try to open your sharepoint site and sharepoint central administration site, you will now be able to see your sharepoint site up and running.  Incase you tried something else to resolve this problem than please do share your solution. - Thank you :)

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